Blender教程-3D房间工作室小屋场景建模渲染含中英双语字幕Learn Blender 3D: Create Studio Room

Blender教程-3D房间工作室小屋场景建模渲染含中英双语字幕Learn Blender 3D: Create Studio Room


在这期Blender教程中,您将在 Blender 免费软件中设计属于自己的 3D 房间!本课程将引导您完成以下内容:Blender简介,下载Blender,Blender Kit,ISO Camera插件,以及设计办公桌空间,Macbook,植物,办公椅,灯光设置,添加材质和颜色。

You will be designing your own 3D Room in Blender free software!You are welcome to deviate from the path and change up the composition/objects to whatever your heart desires!We will cover all the techniques used to make the final product and material design.