Blender插件-几何节点程序化生成树木模型预设 Tree Generator v2

Blender插件-几何节点程序化生成树木模型预设 Tree Generator v2


Tree Generator v2设置只需将其复制并粘贴到您的场景中即可使用。使用编辑模式并复制顶点以获得更多树。适用于 EEVEE 和 Cycles渲染器(两者都看起来不错,请查看链接的视频),节点设置附带的默认树:几何节点设置中包含完整修改器列表。

This setup will work by just copy and pasting it into your scene.Use the edit mode and copy the vertex to get more trees.Works in both EEVEE and Cycles (made to look good in both, have a look at the video linked)